Sunday, January 31, 2016

28 Days

Well, the "28 Day JumpStart" that I am doing from FitGirls has come to an end.  I am happy with the progress I've made, even though I had some missteps.

First of all, I've learned to "like" meal prepping.  This is something that I haven't done and it makes all the difference in my eating.  It's also been a positive on my budget!  I've found that we are eating out less which helps not only the waistline, but the wallet as well.  There was a distinct difference in the weeks where I meal-prepped vs the weeks that I did not.

Secondly, in order for me to be compliant on exercising, I fare better when I do it first thing in the morning.  But, I like my sleep.  I really like my sleep.  I'm still trying to work on that one.  I've been a little addicted (ok, a lot) to playing the X-Box with my hubby (darn you Star Wars Battlefront), so I've not been getting to bed as early as I should.  I also had a set back by being sick the last week and a half, so that put a wrench in things too.  I'm excited to start a new round of FitGirls and get my Fitness back on!

Third, and maybe most importantly, is I've adopted the motto that each minute, each second can be a new start when I don't eat what I should.  The old me would just throw in the towel.  I've already eaten badly, might as well just dive right in head-first.  It's been encouraging to continue to remind myself that one bad choice does not give me permission to keep making them...the next second is a new start.

So, my Fabulous Friends, this brings me to the Fearless part.  I've promised photos of my before and after the 28 Day JumpStart.  I've been stewing about this for the last few days.  What if there isn't a noticeable difference?  Am I really comfortable putting my fat rolls out there for all my Friends and Family to see?  Well, I've promised to be true to my blog and that includes all the not-so-pretty things that go along with getting Fabulous by Forty.  

So, without further adieu, my pre- and post-28 days pics are below.  The before is on the left, after on the right.  I'm happy that I can see some progress, but understand that I've got a ways to go.  Next month, I'll turn 39 and the real count-down to 40 will begin.  I'm happy to get a head-start on being Fabulous.  Have a good week.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Snowing and Sniffling

Hi, Friends!  What a week this has been weather-wise.  Snow days are the only days where I envy you teachers.  I haven't a tenth of the patience you do to work with kiddos on a daily basis.  I am a little jealous of your snow days.

So now is about the time I start lacking the follow-through on my diet and Fitness goals.  I start out strong, but about 2-3 weeks in, I fall straight off the ledge.  This year, I vow to be different.  I have not been perfect and have not followed this diet plan to a "T", but I am encourage enough by this my Family, this blog and your words of kindness to get back on track when I stumble.

If you are like me, once I eat something I shouldn't, I am so hard on myself that I continue to do it.  I have that mentality of "well, this day is gone, so I might as well eat whatever I want."  I still struggle with that.  I read something recently that said that Monday may be the start of a new week, but don't wait until then; the next second is the start of a new minute.  I've tried to adopt that mentality.

I am getting ready to start the last week of the 28-day Jumpstart with FitGirls.  I really like this program and I can honestly say that I've eaten consistently healthier than I have in years.  I've lost a little weight, but I can tell that my clothes fit a bit better.  I've struggled working out this week due to a head cold; but I did go out in what felt like sub-zero temps to brave the gym before I got sick.  I tried to find many excuses not to go (who needs more than sub-zero temps??), but my husband helped push me to go.  I do wish I had been more compliant than what I have, but I'm still on the train so-to-speak and that's a better showing than in the past.  I'm still a work in progress.

This coming week starts a decent amount of traveling for my job.  This is going to be the ultimate test.  There is a lot of eating out and I really struggle with making good choices.  I'll report back to you next week on how I fared.  Preparation, preparation, preparation.  

Have a good week!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Hello 2016!

Well, the first (almost) couple of weeks of 2016 are in the books.  We've seen our first snow (finally) and the kiddos are back in school.  It's been a busy couple of weeks so it's been hard to find some time to write a quick blog about how I'm working on getting Fabulous by 40.

First, Fitness.  The adult child and I continue to do the FitGirls meal plan and exercises.  I never thought I'd eat so much spinach...and like it.  I actually craved the sweet potato/spinach/chicken tacos I had for dinner tonight!  As far as exercise, I do really well at the beginning of the week.  By Thursday (today!) though, I am beat and my energy level is not great.  I need to work on knocking out more exercises in the morning or during my lunch as I am less successful when trying to do so after a long day at work.  I will add that I might have swiped a few Blow Pops from the candy jar (didn't want one of my co-workers to call me out on that).

Faith.  I am enjoying reading a devotional that is sent to me every morning.  We are studying Jesus' teachings.  I am trying to be diligent about having some quiet/meditation time in the mornings.

Family & Friends.  I have been awestruck lately at how quickly children grow up.  I used to roll my eyes at that notion.  The more they age, the more I realize that every generation behind us was right - enjoy the moment now because it goes so fast.

Fearless.  I've got a little over 2 weeks before my first progress pics and I am nervous.  The original pics are not pretty.  However, if I am going to stay true to this blog being an inspiration to others and a motivation to myself, I've got to do it - back fat and all.

My goal for next week is to not hit a wall by Thursday.  I also have some traveling coming up in a couple of weeks, so that will be a challenge in itself.  That's what usually derails my fitness efforts (yes, among other things).

I hope you all have a good rest of your week. ;)

Friday, January 1, 2016

One of the 8%

Happy New Year friends!!  Welcome to 2016!!!

Undoubtedly, many of you have or are making resolutions.  I am too.  Even when I try not to, I still do in my head.  And that's ok. Yes, there are dire statistics out there that say roughly 8% of people achieve their resolutions; but, hey, it's not zero!!!  I think we, by nature, are recharged with a sense of renewal.  Why not embrace that?  At first I thought about the "resolutions" we make.  Some are lofty; some are general. But, most (if not all), help us strive to be a better, well, "us"!  The thing that is most important in "resolutions" or "goals" or just trying to better yourself in a world that constantly wants to drag you down is to remember that it's ok to fail as long as you get back up and try again.

Now, I know there are many of you - myself included - that roll your eyes or make a wonderfully witty comment about resolution'ers.  I get it.  Like I said, I've been one of those people on the sidelines (while still resolution'ing behind the scenes) who smirk when I hear or read about NY's resolutions.  But, in retrospect, there has been an effort and a desire to improve oneself.  Isn't it better to have tried and just fallen short of the goal than to not try at all?  Aren't you inherently better at a "just fallen short of" goal than staying stagnant at where you are?

Let me share with you a story that illustrates my point.  I love sharing this with my folks at work as it  illustrates the power of pushing others, including oneself to a higher level.  It's told by Viktor Frankl - a fascinating man who survived the Holocaust and became an acclaimed neurologist and psychiatrist.  While he and I might not share the same views on everything, I enjoy reading some of his perspective on life (it's on YouTube if you're inclined to watch).  Here's my paraphrasing of his story:

There is a term in aviation called "crabbing".  If a pilot sets out to fly straight to his destination (let's say point "B"), he will likely drift into a lower spot than intended due to crosswinds (point "C"); however, if a pilot sets his mark higher than the intended destination (let's call this point "A"), the crosswinds will push him to his desired spot (point "B"!). Frankl applies this to humanity and says that if we take man for who he is right now, we often times make him worse.  However, if we overestimate her (ourselves!), then we promote her to who she truly can be.

You and I might not be the 8% this year; but if we almost get there or kind of get there, we're 100% better than where we started and that is Fabulous!