Thursday, January 14, 2016

Hello 2016!

Well, the first (almost) couple of weeks of 2016 are in the books.  We've seen our first snow (finally) and the kiddos are back in school.  It's been a busy couple of weeks so it's been hard to find some time to write a quick blog about how I'm working on getting Fabulous by 40.

First, Fitness.  The adult child and I continue to do the FitGirls meal plan and exercises.  I never thought I'd eat so much spinach...and like it.  I actually craved the sweet potato/spinach/chicken tacos I had for dinner tonight!  As far as exercise, I do really well at the beginning of the week.  By Thursday (today!) though, I am beat and my energy level is not great.  I need to work on knocking out more exercises in the morning or during my lunch as I am less successful when trying to do so after a long day at work.  I will add that I might have swiped a few Blow Pops from the candy jar (didn't want one of my co-workers to call me out on that).

Faith.  I am enjoying reading a devotional that is sent to me every morning.  We are studying Jesus' teachings.  I am trying to be diligent about having some quiet/meditation time in the mornings.

Family & Friends.  I have been awestruck lately at how quickly children grow up.  I used to roll my eyes at that notion.  The more they age, the more I realize that every generation behind us was right - enjoy the moment now because it goes so fast.

Fearless.  I've got a little over 2 weeks before my first progress pics and I am nervous.  The original pics are not pretty.  However, if I am going to stay true to this blog being an inspiration to others and a motivation to myself, I've got to do it - back fat and all.

My goal for next week is to not hit a wall by Thursday.  I also have some traveling coming up in a couple of weeks, so that will be a challenge in itself.  That's what usually derails my fitness efforts (yes, among other things).

I hope you all have a good rest of your week. ;)

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