Sunday, January 31, 2016

28 Days

Well, the "28 Day JumpStart" that I am doing from FitGirls has come to an end.  I am happy with the progress I've made, even though I had some missteps.

First of all, I've learned to "like" meal prepping.  This is something that I haven't done and it makes all the difference in my eating.  It's also been a positive on my budget!  I've found that we are eating out less which helps not only the waistline, but the wallet as well.  There was a distinct difference in the weeks where I meal-prepped vs the weeks that I did not.

Secondly, in order for me to be compliant on exercising, I fare better when I do it first thing in the morning.  But, I like my sleep.  I really like my sleep.  I'm still trying to work on that one.  I've been a little addicted (ok, a lot) to playing the X-Box with my hubby (darn you Star Wars Battlefront), so I've not been getting to bed as early as I should.  I also had a set back by being sick the last week and a half, so that put a wrench in things too.  I'm excited to start a new round of FitGirls and get my Fitness back on!

Third, and maybe most importantly, is I've adopted the motto that each minute, each second can be a new start when I don't eat what I should.  The old me would just throw in the towel.  I've already eaten badly, might as well just dive right in head-first.  It's been encouraging to continue to remind myself that one bad choice does not give me permission to keep making them...the next second is a new start.

So, my Fabulous Friends, this brings me to the Fearless part.  I've promised photos of my before and after the 28 Day JumpStart.  I've been stewing about this for the last few days.  What if there isn't a noticeable difference?  Am I really comfortable putting my fat rolls out there for all my Friends and Family to see?  Well, I've promised to be true to my blog and that includes all the not-so-pretty things that go along with getting Fabulous by Forty.  

So, without further adieu, my pre- and post-28 days pics are below.  The before is on the left, after on the right.  I'm happy that I can see some progress, but understand that I've got a ways to go.  Next month, I'll turn 39 and the real count-down to 40 will begin.  I'm happy to get a head-start on being Fabulous.  Have a good week.

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