Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Old Habits Die Hard

Remember me??  I'm still here.  I'm still working on me and I am finding that old habits die hard.

I was so excited to see a difference between my first of January pic and my end of January pic.  I should have been so encouraged that I hit February in stride and really got those inches dropping. happened and instead of hitting the gym hard, I hit the floor hard.

I made conscious choices not to exercise.  I found excuses, but they were still conscious choices.  I ate a lot of candy (like a lot).  I wrestled with most of those decisions too.  It wasn't a, "pop this in my mouth without thinking about it" thing.  It was a "I know I shouldn't, but by golly, I'm going to eat it anyway" kind of thing.

So, the past week I've had a pity-party for myself.  It's ridiculous and I'm ashamed, but it's the truth.  I think it's human nature (or at least I hope so because that makes me feel better to say that) to dwell on our misfortunes instead of looking past them, or better yet, finding teachable moments.  I get so focused on how bad I feel about myself that I forget just great I have it and I need to pull up my big-girl pants and move on.

The teachable moment.  I'm not perfect.  I'm not going to be 100% perfect all the time, even though that's the expectation I've set for myself.  I'm proud of myself for not gaining all the weight back.  It's also a step in the right direction that I actually wrestled with food decisions instead of mindlessly eating junk.  I mean, I still ate the junk, but at least I debated myself about it!

I'm less than 2 weeks away from the year count-down to my Fabulous Forty.  I hope I can revisit this blog next year and thank myself for pushing on when I just want to drink a big 'ol glass of chardonnay and eat chocolate.

Thanks for reading my blog.  I am picking back up with the 28-day FitGirls challenge.  It's a great program and I encourage you to check out their Instagram and webpages.

Until next time.

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