Sunday, November 8, 2015

Let's get Fabulous!!!

Well, hello there!  I created this blog because I recently turned around and realized that life was passing me by at an incredible pace.  My oldest is almost 18 and I'm still trying to lose that "baby weight!"  I work a lot, am constantly running with kids and sometimes say "hi" to my husband.  I eat horribly, make attempts to work out and, by the end of the day, am exhausted.  What was it that Susan Powter used to say - "Stop the insanity!"??

So, this is where my blog comes in.  I'm knocking on 40 and I'm ready to live life rather than life dragging me along.  I'm ready to face this next phase of life "Fabulously!"  Inspired by a dear friend who started a fitness program the year she turned 40 and pledged to get #fitbyforty, I am vowing to make my 40's Fabulous.

Just how do I plan to do this?  Well, I'm going to work on getting Fitter by watching what I eat and trying to be more consistent with exercise.  I'm going to tackle some of my
Fears by going outside my comfort-zone and seizing life-advancing opportunities (starting with this blog!).  I want to sharpen the bonds with Family and Friends by looking for ways to reconnect.  And, most importantly, I want to strengthen my Faith by relying on more reading and prayer.

I plan on updating this blog weekly with an update on my success and failures at trying to live life Fabulously.  I will update Facebook throughout the week and look forward to each of you providing encouragement to not only me, but to each other.  Most of all, I want us women to live life Fabulously - no matter what season of life you are in.  Let's do this together.

"The only impossible journey is the one you never begin." ~Anthony Robbins

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