Sunday, November 29, 2015

Turkeys, Pumpkins & Detox, Oh my!

Hello, friends.  I hope you've had a Fabulous week full of Family, Friends, Fun and Fellowship.  I love Thanksgiving - you all but have to stop and think about all your blessings - which, is easy to forget when you are caught up in the chaos of life.  I don't do "thank therapy" enough and it's at this time of year that I remind myself that "thank therapy" is a Fabulous way to remember that I'm ok.

What is "thank therapy" you ask?  This is where no matter what life throws at you, you find a "thanks" in it.  For example, my eyes are burning right now.  They've burned and watered all day and I'm about over it.  It's minor, but it's irritating.  However, using "thank therapy", I am thankful that I have eyes to burn and water - not everyone does. See how that could help?  I was super-sore from working out with the almost adult this week and I whined about the fact that my legs felt like a horse kicked them. But using "thank therapy," I'm thankful I have legs that get me around. I need to better at this.

So, last week I left you with a few goals I had placed for myself.  I knew it was going to be a tough week with Thanksgiving nestled so snug in the middle.  I went into this transformation knowing that I would need to combat Thanksgiving and Christmas (and New Years!); but, I didn't want those to be excuses as to why I should wait until January 1st.  First, I'll talk about working out.  I worked out a couple of days - but did not reach my goal of 4+. I did, however, walk about 20 miles on Thanksgiving evening and Black Friday morning shopping (maybe a slight exaggeration).  

I am happy to report that I did NOT eat two pieces of pumpkin pie; I barely at 2/3's of one. I am not going to talk about the two glasses of wine that my sister-in-law poured down my throat as she was holding me down. I wouldn't want to blow her cover as one of the most easy-going people I know. Just know that I'm building muscles to fight her off come Christmas time (love ya SIL!).

I am also happy to report that I am going to only get the scale out bi-weekly.  It's a step; I'm a work in progress and I'm hoping to eventually move to once a month to none at all.  As I move away from the scale, I will start updating the blog and the FB page with progress pictures. This is where that Fearless part will come in!

Alright, so I'm guessing you're wondering about the "detox" part of this entry's title. Well, I have (albeit slightly begrudgingly) agreed to do the "Fit Girls" "Fitkini" challenge with the almost adult (side note - she will be "the adult" in less than 3 weeks - she keeps reminding all of us of that fact). Starting tomorrow, we will be doing the "detox" portion before we hit the challenge the following week. On the positive side, she loves meal prepping and already has our lunches ready for the next two days.  On a not-so-positive side, I held back gagging at the smell of the seaweed that is part of my lunch tomorrow.  I'll report back next week on if I was able to keep it down.

I also want to let you know that this week, I am having a minor outpatient procedure that will keep me from working out as I'd like. I debated on whether or not I should share, but I didn't want my working out only 1-2 times next week to seem like a step back. After reading the sad, yet amazingly loving post by Rory Feek about his wife today, I realized that sharing has its benefits, if not just for an extra prayer or two. So, on Tuesday, if you can remember to throw me in your prayers, I would appreciate it. It's nothing major and it's not cause for alarm; will just take me out of the gym for a few days to a week (darn!). I mean, who wouldn't want to hurry up and get back to the gym just in time to start a program called "Fitkini"?!?!?

On a last note, I want to say thank you to all of you who have reached out and given me encouragement so far. I truly appreciate it and you are part of my motivation.

"A year from now, you will wish you had started today." ~unknown

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